Our Story
We have created Pharmaciopy upon two words pharma, which is short for pharmacy, and the phrase philosophy the understanding of nature; together Pharmaciopy delivers advanced, natural skin care preparations.
We are an eco-oriented skincare brand that focuses on the moment when a plant releases its critical energy of blossoming.
Pharamciopy has constructed a mechanism that is capable of collecting the plant’s vital energy to deliver it directly to the skin.
Blossoming is the process in which a plant produces flowers during which an enormous amount of vital, nutritious energy is in a condensed form within the bud to initiate new cell growth and develop into a flower.
The Pharmaciopy Formulas Advantage
When people blossom, they become more attractive, successful, or confident, and when good feelings or relationships blossom, they develop and become stronger.
With extensive experience and research into eco-friendly and natural ingredients together with blooming technology, Pharmaciopy has focused on understanding the most basic energy of flower buds, and developed a unique technique for extracting energy during blossoming.
Pharmaciopy offers advanced eco-friendly skin care preparations backed by some of the most potent ingredients on the planet.